Monday 8 July 2013

The Intehwebz.

     This probably won't be long, and this will probably be stupid, but I just have a little rant that I need to get out right now before I can continue living my life.
     I love social media. I think social media is one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to the human race. It brings people together in ways that nothing else can, from all walks of life and from all over the world, and I think that's just lovely. I also have this burning, itching pain in my ass about social media that I just cannot get away from. No matter how hard I try to ignore it, and no matter how often I don't look at certain things because of it, I hate that there's this unspoken rule against deleting people off of Facebook. Some people wouldn't even notice if I deleted them and that is probably a pretty good indication that I should not be friends with those people in the first place, but there are others that YOU JUST HAVE TO BE FRIENDS WITH EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. You know? Am I making sense here? There are a few people within my Facebook community that I want to delete for even the tiniest reason, like, they did something one time, but I can't because it would be totally socially unacceptable and it would cause drama AND I HATE THAT. I hate that there's this "Facebook etiquette" that has to be followed in order to not offend people. I hate offending people though, so I try my darnedest to be friendly on Facebook. But, Jesus Christ, if you don't read what you write before pressing "Post" and you end up writing something like, "I went to the malt tonight two get some hooks and thigh" and you actually meant to say, "I went to the mall today to get some books and thread", get out of my fucking face, please. If you want to type errors so readily, do everyone a favor and delete everyone of your Facebook friends because they probably feel the same way about you that I do. Sometimes, when I'm feeling extra super miserable, I want to delete people for being happy. When I see that  "(fill in the blank) is thinking about how lucky she is to have such an amazing boyfriend", for a second, I'm like, "That's it, fuckers - you're both gone." And then I just realize that I'm just sad and #stillsingle and then I feel like a huge jerk. (Side note: I love hashtags. Hashtags are a genius result of the internet.) Or those really vague, miserable statuses where you read them and then you're all like, "Is this person going to jump off a bridge later? Like, should I call this guy up?" I'm not really being serious about all this stuff, and I don't actually care about it that much, I'm just having one of those days where I wanted to see if anyone else feels the same way I do, because a lot of the time I get this feeling like I'm the only human person with these weird feelings and that makes me feel like I'm actually meant to be a cat or a lamp or something. Help.
     That's all I have to say. Writing in this blog makes me feel better about my life. Goodnight.


  1. Also, I didn't post this on Facebook because that probably would have been the most distasteful thing I ever could have done in the world.

  2. Oh handy tip: if you really can't stand someone's posts, but want to avoid that lame stigma of being rude or what-have-you for deleting, you can go to their profile and under the 'friends' bracket, unselect "show in news feed". Bam, it's like you're not even friends, while still being friends. Although honestly if someone can't handle being deleted off of an internet social media site, they might not be worth being friends with anyways.

  3. Oh my actual goodness, thank you so much! I had no idea that was an option. Consider it done!
