Sunday 17 February 2013

Hey, You're Awesome.

     Oh my god, I'm writing two days in a row. Does this make me...productive?
     So, I've been reading some stuff and talking to some people, because generally, those are both things that I like to do, and I've come up with some more words to project onto your screens. Cool?

     First of all, I had an insanely beautiful, honest, helpful, and just plain old fun Valentine's Day party with my girlfriends. Oooooh, the aggressive girl with the hateful blog is single! Big shocker, right? I know. Anyways, it was wonderful and it was definitely the most rewarding Valentine's Day I've ever had. I usually don't like to get to know people really quickly because I have a hard time connecting to people. I've realized over the past few months that I'm naturally a pretty introverted person and I'm learning to accept that, but these women made me feel welcomed and at home with them and with myself, so it was really easy for me to be open with them about my life. (Why am I being so personal?) The point of this story is to tell you what I learned from my group of single ladies. I'm not sure what exactly got us on the topic of self-confidence, but as we all know, every heart-to-heart talk between women has to touch on the subject in some way. As we were discussing this, one of my friends just flat out said, "You know, I don't know why it's so hard for people to like themselves. I think I'm pretty fucking awesome." And I just died. I was so happy in that moment. And then it got better. Another one of my friends said in response, "I know what you mean. Like, fuck, if you have nothing going for you, but you have confidence, at least you have confidence and that's something." Can you believe that I found friends this cool? I can't. I feel so honoured to know these women. They're so confident and sexy and sure of themselves in every way, it makes me feel really comforted to know that I have them at my side. I need everyone who's reading this right now to understand that they're right. Even if you have a big nose, weird lips, a funny laugh, or a crooked tooth, you have to rock that shit. You have to hold your head high and wear your flaws as if they're diamonds. You need to be confident because even if you feel as though you have nothing, you have confidence, and that is something. I don't know you, but I know you're strong. Have a little confidence; it'll go a long way.

     Side note: Before I go on to my "Secondly and lastly," bit here, I just want to say that I don't believe all men feel/act this way towards feminists. I'm not a man hater and I never will be a man hater. This is just the reality of the situation in some cases and that's what I will be addressing. If you're a man, I love you and I know that if you're reading this blog, you don't give the ladies any trouble. I respect you.

     Secondly and lastly, for the love of all things that evolution created, don't let men tell you that your feminism is reverse sexism. It's not. Unless, of course, you're saying that men are inherently bad or less than you. Then of course it's reverse sexism. But I know you're not like that, girls. You just want equality and love, right? You want to be seen as just as good as men are and I understand that. Every woman in the world understands that. The only reason that men ever say, "That's reverse sexism!" is simply because they're intimidated by your strength. Men know that women are treated as weaker, more fragile, less able, and less respectable forms of human life. The reason that these men are scared of your strength is because they don't want to be like you. They know that you're disrespected. They know that you're scared to walk home by yourself at night. They know that you might be afraid to let people see you without makeup on. And they don't want to switch roles with you. They don't want to be afraid. They don't want you to have the power and for them to be left as the second sex. Therefore, they tell you you're being a reverse sexist. So don't take it personally, okay? It's important that you know that you so entirely deserve to be respected and equal and you don't deserve to take any shit from anyone who says/implies otherwise.

     It's late, but I had a nap today, so I'm doing alright. I'm reading "Vagina" by Naomi Wolf and that's where all of this fiery girl power is stemming from. I like it. Goodnight.

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